Laboratory of
Functional Molecular Systems
Chemistry of
Functional Molecular Systems
우리 연구실에서는
(1) 포토스위치와 형광 분자와 같이 빛에 감응하는 저분자 화합물을 개발합니다.
(2) 합성 지질 분자를 설계하고 수용액 상에서의 특성과 기능을 연구합니다.
(3) 합성 분자를 활용하여 생체 분자의 생화학적 기능을 모방하고 인공 시스템을 탐구합니다.

Light-sensitive Molecules
We study light-responsive organic frameworks, including photoswitches and fluorophores. Our goal is to develop versatile functional scaffolds with unique physicochemical properties for applications in chemical biology and materials science.

Synthetic Lipids
We develop synthetic amphiphiles that replicate the diverse functions of biological lipids. These synthetic lipids have the potential to act as biological surrogates, microreactors, synthetic vehicles, and transporters.

Biomimetic Synthetic Systems
Our overarching goal is to harness synthetic molecular systems to manifest life-like functionalities, such as energy dependence, emergent reactivity, and cooperative behaviors. We seek to identify the key factors that enable living functionalities within networks of non-living materials.